The Barind unit is comparatively at a higher elevation than the adjoining floodplains. The contours of the Tract suggest that there are two terrace levels - one at 40m and the other between 19.8 and 22.9m. Therefore, when the floodplains go under water during the monsoon the Barind Tract remains free from flooding and is drained by a few small streams. About 47% of the Barind region is classified as highland, about 41% as medium highland and the rest are lowland. Agricultural land commonly occupies about 80% of the hill slopes of Barind unit most of the year. As this region is generally free from floodwater, rainwater is the only major source of groundwater recharge. Once there were many isolated small depressions but those have since been converted into agricultural land. This landscape modification has affected the groundwater recharge and has increased dependence on rainwater. Again, the channel migration, mainly the shifting of the Tista and the Atrai and their distributaries over the last couple of centuries, has greatly influenced the climatic conditions of the area. Geomorphic modifications gradually turned this area into a hot region.
The Barind is floored by the characteristic Pleistocene sediments known as the Madhupur (Barind) Clay. The madhupur clay is reddish brown in colour, oxidised, sticky and rather compact. JP Morgan and WG McIntire assumed these deposits to be of fluvial origin. Actually they were deposited in the late Pleistocene time towards the end of the last glacial period. Nearly 18,000 years ago, the last glacial period reached the peak of activities. During that time the sea level dropped to 100m to 130m below the present-day level. Then the ice-melt water flowed into the bay of bengal. Right at that time the northeast monsoon climatic condition commenced in the subcontinent. Rainfall was not then dominating the Bengal plain. Bengal rivers only flowed with ice-melt water through their narrow and incised valleys. Later, 12,000 years ago, the southwest monsoon climate started dominating the region, and brought heavy rainfall over the Bengal Basin.
The monsoon rainfall was even more intense than at present. The narrow Bengal rivers could not discharge this huge quantity of water, supplied by huge rainfall as well as the ice-melt water from the Himalayan Range. The rivers spilled over the banks and deposited sediments over the large Bengal plain washing the sediments to the south where the sediments prevailed in the Barind Tract and madhupur tract and also in the lalmai area. Afterwards, climatic conditions started to change, making temperature rather hot, which readily influenced the Bengal river courses, the sea level started rising again and the depressed regions began getting more sediments but these Holocene (Recent time) sediments could not reach such a height that they would be deposited over the earlier Madhupur sediments. There is another school of thought that suggests a tectonic origin for the Pleistocene high terrace. This school says that the Pleistocene sediments were deposited in large depressions of the Barind and Madhupur regions. After the deposition due to the neotectonic movement, these regions uplifted and formed high terraces.
The Barind Tract is rich in mineral resources as it rests upon the Precambrian Indian Shield of the Bengal Basin. Of the mineral resources, coal, peat, hardrock, limestone, white clay and glass sand are very important. Actually these mineral deposits are found within the platform area below the Pleistocene rock units of the Barind Tract. High-grade bituminous coal deposits have been discovered in Bogra, Rajshahi, Rangpur and Dinajpur districts. These are found in small isolated basins, known as Grabens, located within the Precambrian basement below Pleistocene sediments of the Barind Tract. This coal belongs to the Gondwana formation of the Permian period and is of good quality. Limestone is also found in the shelf area of the platform located in the southern part of Barind Tract beneath the Pleistocene rock units. This limestone belongs to the Eocene period and is an important raw material for the manufacture of cement. Hardrock is another precious resource of the Barind region. Actually the whole platform area is composed of Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks. This hardrock is an essential building material commonly used for constructing roads, bridges and other structures. White clay and glass sand are generally found in the upper part of the basement rocks right below the Barind rock units. These minerals are widely used for the manufacture of ceramic wares, electric goods and many other industrial items.
Rapid population growth along with modifications of the landforms of the Barind Tract has been degrading the biophysical environment of this region. The climatic condition in this region has changed. There is very little rainfall and the weather remains hot by the daytime but becomes cooler by late night. Since rainwater is the main source of groundwater recharge in this area, the climatic change that disfavours abundant precipitation has adversely affected the groundwater recharge system. The withdrawal of more groundwater than its recharge causes the successive lowering of the groundwater table of the Barind region. This phenomena have eventually been greatly affecting the environmental parameters and if it persists the environment of the Barind Tract will become rather unfavourable for habitation in the near future. Besides lowering of the water table another noticeable change is the decrease in forest area. According to some reports from the British colonial times about 42% area of this Tract was covered by forests in early 19th century. Statistical reports of the land survey since 1849 showed that forests covered about 55% of the Barind lands. But by 1974, about 70% land of the region had been changed into cultivable land.
The Barind almost became an arid region due to massive deforestation. Also, due to its extreme dry nature and relatively low rainfall the vegetation cover decreased distinctively and the area could be picked up in satellite images as a hot and dryland. As the area was considered a low potential area for groundwater development, agriculture used to depend on monsoon rainwater. As a consequence, there used to be only one crop and the Tract was a food deficit area. With initiatives from local engineers, there have been new investigations for groundwater resources and it was found that there were good aquifers to be developed for large-scale irrigation.